Matthew Lindfield Seager

Matthew Lindfield Seager

Online Payment Redirects - Proof of Concept

As I mentioned yesterday, I recently needed to make an API call as part of the request-response cycle in order to fetch a temporary token to embed in a redirect URL. Having satisfied myself in the console that I could get the token I needed, it was time to turn this into a Proof of Concept.

I’ve recently been enjoying applying the strict red-green-refactor cycle of TDD to code. I first saw it done this way in an Upcase tutorial (which are all now free!!! 🎉) and I’ve come to appreciate the approach of fixing one error at a time until the test passes. It breaks tasks down into stupidly simple chunks and I find it helps me zero in on errors much faster, after all there’s usually only one place to look. I used a similar approach here, just without the formal tests to verify it as this was just a proof of concept. I’d perform the “test” manually (visit the URL), write a line of code, refresh the browser, add another line of code, etc.

First off, I visited the page I wanted to see and got a 404 error, as expected. To fix that error I added the route (get 'payments/:code' => 'bank_payments#show') and tried again. No more 404 error (excellent), but I did get an “uninitialized constant BankPaymentsController” error, again as expected.

And here’s where the step by step approach paid off. To fix that error I created the app/controllers/bank_paymemts_controller.rb file with an otherwise empty class definition. But when I tested, I got the same error as before! I was actually expecting an error about the “show” action not being found. 🤔

Because I found the error straight away I was able to quickly figure out that I spelt the file name wrong (did you notice that?) and therefore Rails didn’t know where to find it. Past me would have written a whole bunch of other code in that file (and maybe even extracted some into another file or object) before testing it and seeing it blow up. There’s no way of knowing for sure but there’s a good chance I would looked in all the wrong places for a while, trying to figure out what I’d done wrong. So thank you Thoughtbot/Upcase!

Anyway, I got back to fixing one error at a time until I had something that looked a fair bit like this:

# routes.rb
get 'payments/:code' => 'bank_payments#show'

# app/controllers/bank_payments_controller.rb
class BankPaymentsController < ApplicationController
  def show
    uri = URI('[](')).to_s
    request =
      method: :post,
      params: {
        username:        'customer',
        password:        'P@$$w0rD',
        supplierCode:    params[:code],
        connectionType:  'bank_product',
        product:         'bank_product',
        returnUrl:       '[',](',)
        cancelUrl:       '[',](',)
    result =
    token = result.response_body.split('=').each_slice(2).to_h["token"]
    uri = URI("[](")
    uri.query = URI.encode_www_form({communityCode: 'customer', token: token})
    redirect_to uri.to_s

To be clear, this is ugly, poorly structured code. I would not deploy this to a production app. But the “test” passes. When I load the page I now get redirected to the appropriate payments page. And I can change which page just by passing in the right supplier code in the URL, e.g.

The next step was to refactor the code, test edge cases, add error-handling, etc, etc… you know, the final 20% of the product that takes 80% of the time. But early in that process some new information came to light which made it clear that this feature was not going to be necessary.

That particular discovery reinforced another lesson! As I mentioned yesterday, I’m trying to get better at not letting perfect be the enemy of good, to first build something Good Enoughâ„¢ and then later to refine and improve it, if that proves necessary. By building this Proof of Concept and showing it to someone else in the business early, we collectively went on a journey of discovery. The new information we surfaced would have been valuable for rebuilding this feature properly but it proved even more valuable by revealing to us that building the feature was unnecessary in the first place!

Past me probably would have spent two or three days trying to craft an elegant, perfectly architected, Practical Object Oriented Design exemplar. I never would have got to that standard of course, but I would have tried. As a result I would have been heavily invested in the sunk cost of my “solution” and probably would have either been crushed to discover the feature is no longer needed or I might have been blinded to the reality of the situation and tried to justify the need for what I’d already built.

Instead, I only spent a few hours wrestling with the documentation, spiking out a demo and bringing the business on the journey with me. It was uncomfortable in the moment (that code is really ugly to share publicly) but it has been valuable. Hopefully by writing this down it will solidify the lesson and make it a little bit easier to take a similar path next time.